Saturday, September 18, 2010

On the Road Again- August, 2010

OGM Office, Cataldo, ID
I left my home in Green Valley, AZ on August 7, for a six week road trip to ID, British Columbia, WA, OR and CA. The main focus was to be in Idaho for the Third meeting of the OGM Retreat. These meetings have been called the last three years by Phyllis Furumoto and Paul Mitchell who together represent the Office of the Grandmaster. This is a time for serious students of this practice to gather and discuss our next steps as a community.

We drove three days and arrived in Wallace, Idaho for the night. We wanted to check in on our dear friends, Gary and Leslie who have recently opened a Hawaiian restaurant in this quaint mountain town that used to vibrate from the mining that was here until several years ago. It is now a gathering place for sportsmen and bicyclists. In the morning, I rode my bicycle twenty miles on the Trail of the Coure d' Alenes, to Cataldo to meet Phyllis at the OGM office. As with many businesses these days, the office is "downsizing" and Phyllis and Paul will no longer be using this building as their website is created. They both continue this professional relationship as it evolves, holds and serves the global community.

Even though the country here is splendid and I love the bicycle trail, I am happy I moved. When I lived here, I never felt "at home". It was good for me to move to the desert as I feel much more comfortable there, much to my surprise. Like my favorite bumper sticker- "Don't believe everything you think."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Masters Meeting in Phoenix

On August 1, a group of 18 Reiki masters from Phoenix and Tucson areas met together for the first time. Our intention was to meet one another and  see if we are interested in creating some kind of professional relationship. In my twenty some years of Reiki, I have been connected with the global community of students from the same practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho. This was the first time, for me, to really connect with masters from other practices. As we introduced ourselves and told a little of our Reiki story, I was touched by everyone's sharing. We are all connected by the energy of Reiki that has entered our lives and changed us forever. We share stories of challenges, growth, change and being on the edge of the unknown. I look forward to our time together again and to learn more from this group of  dedicated masters.

Why Blog?

Knowing that my last post to this Blog was 8 months ago, I have been thinking about this commitment I started and wondering why I should continue. Coming from the place of Blog rather than Web site, this is my way to connect with others professionally and keep in touch with my students and Reiki Community.

I am also aware that my life as a Reiki Master is atypical, as if there really is a "typical" way of life for any of us on a Spiritual journey. I am now inspired to continue with this Blog, keeping the focus of my life with Reiki and awareness that my journey is also an outward journey. As Events Coordinator for Phyllis Furumoto, the current Lineage Bearer of Usui Shiki Ryoho, I travel often with her for events, seminars and visiting other Reiki students.

I invite you to journey with me as the energy of Reiki takes me to places within and without

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Holiday in Tahoe

We have come together to celebrate our dear friend's 80th birthday in Tahoe and to do some skiing. Of course, we create space for Reiki treatments and the coffee table with a comfy downy on top does well. Here is an action photo of me getting a Reiki treatment form Jean Ferris, my Second Degree Reiki Master and her twin, Hira Reid. As we have all been friends for 20 years, we have many stories to remember as we move into the next 20 years.

The second time our is a lot more fun as I get used to downhill speed again and my lungs get used to the altitude. Being in the mountains on skis make me feel so energized and alive!

 On to Reno to visit my new grand niece!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Life as a Blog

January 16,2010 After many months of trying to get a website together, I have decide to create a blog instead. This feels more user friendly and alive and I invite you to share my life with Reiki.

After several years of looking for a place to live, Phyllis, my partner, and I decided to move to Green Valley, Arizona. After a year and a half, I am surprised and thrilled by the light and beauty of the desert. My Reiki practice is growing for it takes a while to connect when moving into a new community. At the moment, I am in Tahoe celebrating a dear friend's birthday and doing some downhill skiing. The last time I skied was three years ago so yesterday was an adventure. The morning was challenging and it took a few runs to get my ski legs. It was certainly more of a work out than playing golf!